Bad Graphics

In graphics I learnt bugger all. My reason for say saying this is that while working on this Blackberry promotional box I have learnt so much about everything. 

Firstly, how to present the damn thing. Never did we do layouts, what are layouts? I had to be shown how to draw layouts, no tone, no shade, just the core elements and maybe a little mood board thrown in of pretty little pictures. I made loads of books in graphics, never once did that cross my mind. 

Secondly, paper, how the hell do you make a book and a box look good? These people are geniuses, paper does and looks and even feels not like paper should. We’re making a box that fits an A3 piece of paper perfectly inside. The whole thing, printed both sides, matt, gloss or sheen, maybe with a bit of laminated areas and a shelf. To produce... £6 and a few pennies. I couldn’t print 10 A3 pages at university without going over that mark. I know it more economic etc. but how can university expect you to make a great book when for our final show, each book below was £10 each in total, £90 for 9. They did look bloody good but I’m glad agencies employ people to make our work look great and for a budget that is brilliantly unrealistic!

Thirdly we have loads of drafts. When did I write copy for a book more than half assed, and none of this bothers me, I love this job.