Twitter Picture 2

Following the success of Twitter Picture 1, Johanna Basford has embarked on her second of this successful project, here's the details:

0900 Thursday 14th January 2010 - 0900 Friday 15th January 2010.

Over a 24 hour period she will be creating the second TwitterPicture, an interactive illustration drawn by hand and inspired by Twitter. Tweeters are invited to send her one suggestion each in 140 characters or less which I will incorporate into a super sized, hand drawn illustration.

The project will run for a continuous 24 hour period and will be streamed live here.

Watch the live creation of TwitterPicture 2 and get involved by Tweeting her your suggestion.

The view from the TwitterPicture webcam will be changing throughout the day, so keep checking back to watch the inky evolution!

Watch her live stream here. And get suggesting!

P.S. on the picture above I have the angry man on the right complaining about Polo prices. I haven't decided my next choice.