There have been some developments over the job front since the start of the year.
You may have seen our big push at the end of last year with our site takeover, which worked perfectly. Apart from one thing. Chris and I wanted different things. He wanted to stay up here in Scotland. And I wanted to head back to London.
Having exhausted all the possible opportunities up here, which for a team is currently non-existent, we've reluctantly decided that we're going our separate ways.
After teaming up at uni over four years ago, doing three years of work in agencies AND living together for two years, this wasn't the easiest of decisions to make. But, we both feel we're in strong positions to move onwards and (hopefully) upwards after the work we've done and experience we've gained.
As of writing this post, Chris has got some work in Edinburgh as a designer/art director at a digital agency. And I'm currently looking at opportunities in London. I have a couple of interviews lined up as a copywriter/digital creative, but I'm keeping my options open.
My heart lies in digital and being creative, but I want to see what's out there before committing to anything. So feel free to contact me if you've an interesting position available.
As for the name of the blog, it'll eventually swap over to something else, but fear not. The AP of (formally) CR.AP will still be pumping out more posts of weird and wonderful things on a near daily basis.
Having spent the last week getting a new portfolio together, as well as building a new site. I now feel I'm in a position to share it with the world. You'll find my work at
Hopefully you'll like what you see.