Are they taking the piss?*
On Wednesday the winners were announced in the not-so-swanky 93 Feet East. Maybe it's because it's classed as the alternative awards, but when you spend a few quid (or £70) for a ticket, sometimes you sort of expect more.
On show is meant to be creativity with no limits. And some of it was. But I can't help but think it was limited. Especially by the £100 entry fee for professionals and £50 for students. It certainly put me off.
I'd love to take the piss, have lots of fun and try and win a Chip. But any award I win, I want it to mean something more. Chips are usually given to things that no client would ever buy that ad. So what does that say to any potential employer? We can think up stuff that's actually no good for your creative problem. However there were a couple of exceptions, including this clever little number by
@LailaMilborrow and
But on the whole, as one Tweeter mentioned: "They're about as useful to your career as boy scout badges." And I'd completely agree. Is the Chip Shop Awards as worthy, funny or even as good as it used to be?
I mean, it's not like the awards cost thousands either...
If you're interested, all the winners can be found
here. Congrats to all. It's not you lot I have a problem with.
*The picture below is actually one from the awards do. Lovely.