The Eyesight App

On Friday, I posted a new piece of work that Ed and I had created - the Specsavers Eyesight App.
In essence, the concept would emulate your prescription of your glasses. Using an app and the camera, you can look through your smartphone and see what you'd normally see while wearing glasses, but without them.

I popped this on Twitter and it got a very good response from a lot of you. And many said it should be made, or at least pitched to Specsavers. We were going to approach them, but then I received one tweet from a certain optical brand.
This, I must admit, was very exciting. A few emails back and forth and we'd arranged a conference call for Monday to talk more about our idea, which also had a quick facelift in preparation.
Monday happened. And went VERY well. We're off to Nottingham (hopefully next week) to meet them in person and discuss more. We've already asked an optometrist and a few devs to work out more of the technical specs, so hopefully it might just get off the concept table. Here's hoping all goes well and there's more to come from it. Keep your eyes peeled in the very near future.