End of week 1

I cant believe it, a week has flown by of our placement at The Redbrickroad. We haven’t stopped. Monday and Tuesday were about settling in, and were handed some work on Heineken to tackle, which went better than most expected.

Wednesday swiftly followed with TRBR’s summer party, not a bad week to start! Up the Thames on a boat to Hampton Court and then a meal and endless Heineken (thank god I like the stuff)

Thursday brought about a huge agency hangover and Tesco and a Pitch brief, swore to secrecy, we struggled on these, but now being Sunday we know what we have to do for this Friday (25th).

Friday saw the weekly agency lunch, this is crazy but brilliant. The huge table in reception is transformed into the staff canteen, but supplied with a delivered meal of choice, this week 50+ portions of fish and chips with mushy peas and curry sauce, it was bizarre seeing it brought in and then demolished. We all work in offices here so this brings everyone together for at least once a week.