One team came up with Germ-o-nator. A cleaning product that kills e.coli and influenza in gravy. And, uses a small child to sell the squeezy Bovril coloured spray. Germ-o-nator's endline was Hasta la vista...gravy. Get it?
The other team went for Octo-Kleen. A childish looking bottle with an octopus on it. With the endline. 8 hands are better than 2. Though as spotted by @scott_tweeddale, where 8 hands are better than 2, but we only 5 on the logo.
This task really brought out some of the best on Twitter. And, really showed how everyone else perceives advertising.
One team leader thought, "sex sells everything" but as @AdamAndDan pointed out, Dr Pepper wouldn't say so. And, thanks to @akacreatives for; "when it comes to pleasuring your on-screen wife, 8 hands are DEFINITELY better than 2."
By the time they'd both made the shockingly clichéd ads we got an "octopus porn route or poisonous gravy route. Wowza."(@AdamAndDan)
At the pitch stage, we had them throwing in buzz words and @dirktherabbit put it quite nicely; "what do cleaning products have to do with MP3 players and search engines?"
But, the winner tonight was @ScottTsukuru's beauty. "Barry Scott is spinning in his grave". Perfect.
If you'd like a better round up, watch this video below. And, like e.coli and influenza, this is going viral.
All I'm saying is bring back Mr Pants man.