Has had a little makeover. A new logo and hopefully in the near future, a new website.
I'm looking to give it a massive makeover. And turn it into something a lot bigger than it currently is. But there's a downside. It needs a lot of ground work doing by people that have a business head and I also need a web developer for a custom build. Both require money or funding, which I'm currently in short supply of.
Since it launched in November, Ad Job Wall has grow to having over 500+ eyeballs on Twitter and Facebook. Not bad, when you think how many ad students there are in the country.
It targets only the intern, placement and junior job market, which I guess puts it in a niche market. And I'm not looking to be like the traditional recruitment agencies that take a large cut when they place people in employment. I have an idea to make it different but also offer the agencies the best possible choice of applicants. But I can't do it all myself.
So, what am I looking for?
More agencies, a clever person or another industry organisation (along with the lovely folk from the YCC) to jump onboard to help boost and build on the profile that Ad Job Wall is gaining. Is that much to ask?
Interested? Drop me email.